Neill Eddie Calabro
Writer of Fine Scripts

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This web site is an overview of screenplays (and now 1 novel) of Neill Calabro's scripts. All are registered under WGA or ProtectRite.

Questions/comments or request a full screenplay by email (on left ) or snail (below), or by a query to Felix Copola Management

Neill Calabro
2361 Graham Rd
Gray, GA 31032 USA


Writing Updates:

2017: Operating Under Grace; a Christian medical drama.

2017: Received a "Consider" score from Jacob Stuart, CEO of
Screenwriting Staffing, for the short The Groovy Show. .

Third script of 2016: 29 With Eggs, a romcom about a single woman wanting a baby at Easter.  So far, read by former angel, Shelley Hack at SmashMedia and read by a producer of God's Not Dead.

2016: Family script, The Storybook of Love & Angels: an old man steals away to find love ... but what finds him?

2016: Neill's first faith-based script, The Tracks Eternal
short logline: An Atheist attends a Christtian party and discovers the intellectual side of faith ... and love.

2014: Neill's Great American Novel, Hanging Angels, has been launched. See all the info on facebook.

2014: You're My What? has been nominated Best of GA at the Milledgeville Film Festival.

2013: New sci-fi Script: Lost in the Twilight click

Steve Balderson has commissioned me as a Contributing Writer on his new feature Occupying Ed.  I will write an old-style sitcom "You're My What?" which will be an on-going inset during Occupying Ed.

The indie-produced short of Neill's script The Chicken Motel was Best of Fest at the Twain Harte Film Fest in California, September 2012.

Dark Pines, Alabama has been selected as a Quarter-finalist in the 2012-13
Scriptoid Writers Challenge.



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