Neill Edward Calabro
Writer of Fine Scripts





The Tracks Eternal - synopsis

When an atheist, TERRY, attends a church party, he starts off on the wrong foot when castigating the believers over a misunderstood racial moment.  Terry, a scientist, is invited by DR. KIM BARRY his lab partner who is easily the most beautiful woman there; and even though they have a mutual attraction, she won't take the romantic step until he comes into the "faith."

Terry is normally put off by "religiosity," but his infatuation for Kim is not just skin deep but for her quick wit and her mysterious inner being.  Terry brings up his doubt of God even existing ... based on evil in the world.  He's answered by the church pastor, MATHE EVANS, who has no fear of being direct.  Their conversation gets heated; especially when Terry laughs about God healing people, whether it be from sickness or even something traumatic as a rape victim.

Dr. Kim, watching the torrid back and forth, pulls Terry out and they break from the party.  Terry sees an ulterior motive from Kim, and becomes embarrassed, discovering Kim was actually the victim of rape.  He experiences Kim's spirit of forgiveness towards the attacker, and it amazes him.

Returning to the party, they meet up with GAIL.  She is a church member and attends with her unbelieving husband BILLY.   Terry sees Billy's anger towards Christians being taken out on Gail.  Terry covertly watches Billy strike her when discovering she has become pregnant against his wishes. When this argument continues, and when Terry tries to step in, he is met with several elbows to his jaw, compliments of Billy.

But from the long day of discussions with church members, and with Terry's deeper understanding of Kim... Terry takes a long walk.  He prays out loud for God to communicate with him directly.  Within minutes, a man in a  truck drives up to Terry, proclaiming a straight forward message: "God told me to tell you ..."

Terry is shaken from the implications, but is more stunned after telling Kim.  She says it's the wrong reason to believe and he should not let his heart deceive his mind.

Terry's brush with the spiritual world would've been a greater dilemma between him and Kim but they soon receive a call that their lab has been broken into.  Arriving -- and after cops leave the crime scene -- we learn Terry and Dr. Kim run a frozen embryonic clinic.  They stare at the dead remains -- their thoughts becoming their greatest conversation ... where "life" meets "science."

Terry can no longer fight how something greater than him (God), loves humanity, and Terry begins discovering the creator of the universe.