Neill Edward Calabro
Writer of Fine Scripts





Operating Under Grace - synopsis

As EMTs transfer an unconscious mugging victim from ambulance to E.R., the on-call physician is shocked to recognize the victim as Dr. Anthony Robinson...  otherwise known as the "Jesus Doc."

3 Years earlier:
A surgeon with a brilliant career, Dr. Robinson's operations always have students and interns who view from the observatory and close-circuit TV; and while Dr. Robinson's office walls are aligned with citations, awards, and even honors from the president, and famous neurosurgeon Dr. Ben Carson, the last few years he has been weaving an infamous path from his alleged "overt Christian expression on the job."  And when his self published Bible study book, ends up in the hands of an Atheist patient, Robinson becomes top story on CNN.  The hospital, facing lawsuits, only escapes when Robinson agrees to dissolve employment.

3 years later, having not performed surgery since, and discovering no medical facility wants him, he and wife, VIOLA, plus two infants, sell their upscale home, cars, and move to the suburbs.   Dr. Robinson begins work for a clinic, with an 80% pay cut.

With Viola, and church support, Dr. Robinson draws on faith for this job, even going to dangerous parts of a neighborhood to bring medical supplies.  But on these streets he falls into the hands of two teenagers, mugging and stripping him of clothes, and leaving him for dead, his body laying in a ditch after being pierced by a rusty pipe.

Now, unconscious in hospital, medical attention is delayed until Viola can be contacted to give permission for a life-saving leg amputation.  She refuses, and when Robinson becomes conscious, he is in agreement.

The church holds an all-night prayer vigil .

The next morning, a search for Robinson in the hospital finds him across the hallway, praying for a heart patient.   Dr. Robinson's leg has miraculously improved with just inflammation and a limp. Wanting to leave,  Robinson is accosted by the teenager who left him for dead.  The teenager has breached security looking to kill Robinson.   With Robinson's 4-year old daughter in his arms, the teenager pushes thim into the closest door ... which is also an operating room.  Here, Robinson's associate, Dr. Sylvia takes a chance, pushing the child out to safety.  The teenager shoots  Dr. Sylvia.

With Dr. Sylvia now dying, Robinson pleads with the teenager to release  Dr. Sylvia for medical attention.  The teenager is too confused, but Robinson tires of waiting and begins prepping  Dr.. Sylvia to do the surgery; a difficult operation he has only studied, never performed.

Using his brilliant skills, Robinson becomes surgeon, nurse, and anesthetist while literally under the gun.  Robinson's normal cool demeanor and talkative style while operating is replaced with unceasing prayers.  Prayers are also sent by his wife, watching the operation as it is being broadcast to staff, police, and reporters.

Robinson's success and true spirit of heart convicts the teenager of his actions and the Teenager surrenders.

They step out of the operating room.  A flood of hospital staff run into the room while SWAT wrestle the Teenager down.  And as Viola and kids embrace him, photographers snap pictures while reporters shout questions.

Robinson escapes them, and in the parking lot a man hands him a card that reads, "Dr. Ben Carson, Secretary of Housing and Urban Development." The man explains how Dr. Carson wants to know if Robinson will come to the White House to discuss his future.  Robinson says yes, but first he will go home to give thanks to God, and to catch up on loving his family.