Fried Green Tomorrows: Juliette, GA Lives right
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shot at the tiny town where Fried Green Tomatoes
was filmed. I play a nutty guy dressed in 30's
garb who is looking for a plastic
model of a Model-A
truck plastic model. In this scene I approach
Danny Vinson who last had the model. [fyi-Danny
recently appeared in a scene with Reece Witherspoon
in Walk The Line]
HMO Commercial right
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While working as a stand-in on Time To Kill,
a casting agent was there and just off-handedly
asked if I wanted to audition for a commercial
as the main bungling doctor. Yep, I did.
Murder in the China
Basin right
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Satan tempted me to stay in L.A. by letting
me have this part. Playing a vagrant, I didn't
need makeup because the ravages of a 2 years
in helltown made me look that way. This wasn't
initially a speaking part but the director liked
what me and my vagrant pal were doing so we
ended up bantering dialogue with our two undercover
cops. I already had my character in my head
as someone who was more of a whiner, so you
can barely hear me say things like "everybody
needs help now and then." Yeah, that is an L.A.
homeless mantra.
and Robin
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was one of the Mississippi crew from Time To
Kill that moved out to L.A. Joel
Schumacher and Jamie Crumley put us to work
on Batman and Robin. The scene called for someone
to "over
react" to the sight of the world's largest
telescope. Mr. Schumacher let me be the over
reactor and after the scene was shot he claimed,
in his usual positive nature, that it was a
"great job." (I think he had stepped
out to craft services)
Melrose Place
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This was one of my last gigs in L.A. It was
the season finale in '98. No one had made the
connection that Dr. Mancini, Thomas Calabro,
and I had a great last name. I had spoken to
Thomas on Melrose Place a year earlier. At that
time I introduced myself. However, even though
he didn't remember me in '98 he must have thought
that I was one of the regular MP actors. We
ran through the scene where he's getting ruffed
up and then I, and the studly dayplayer, run
in. After rehearsal he said to me "when you
pull me away why don't you say to me 'are you
alright, sir?'" Sounded good to me; my first
line on TV (although you don't see me say it
and it's barely audible). As we're escorting
him to the end of the scene you also don't hear
him say to me "you know you're a good looking
guy." Take that, studly dayplayer.
Santa with Muscles
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Hulk Hogan is a criminal who saves the day as
Santa. 2 out of 3 days I sat at holding doing
nothing. This was shot quickly due to budget.
I didn't have time to even tell Hulk that we
were both from Central Florida (his band used
to play in my hometown, Lakeland, FL). During
this scene Santa walks past a boy with who has
a Christmas list. I suggested to the director
that it would be ok if Hulk/Santa forearms me
into the wall (a throw back to his wrestling
days). The director said no but Hulk didn't
hear him say no.
Sore Losers
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The great Memphis Filmaker, John Michael McCarthy,
gave me my first stunt in the biz and also my
first bruise from the exploding squibb. I am
the cop on the right who's squeezing D'Lana's
face at the beginning. When you see the three
cops, the one at the top is JMM. Then, next
scene, I am the second cop getting shot. The
gun is real so they emphasized my taking care
of it. So, when I die and I hit the stairs you'll
know why I hold the gun that way. It actually
looks cool, though.
Austin Powers
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No one knew what to think when this was being
filmed. Mike Myers' head was shaved and he wore
a bizarre wig with even bizarre-r teeth. But
it was a fun day of dancing. I am screen right
behind Myers. I have blurred out all but me
since the size of this viewable mpg file is
(collapsing stars)
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It was a great opportunity to be in the film
that played at tne New York International Independent
Film/Video Fest. This is the scene where the
audience finds out that my character is about
to have a crisis of his faith in Edrose; the
reincarnated Rod Serling.