
The Movie
(the sci-fi explanation)
Synopsis from the director
The TV Show (within the Movie )
Skipp'n the Heat:  character's background.

TiVISION views acting as a religion. It's followers seek immortality by going from mere vocation to stardom.

When you go from actor to star, the worm enters the cocoon. In cocoon state, the actor becomes a duality, existing as a 3D and 2D character until their body metamorphoses into the 5th dimension; a consciousness maintained by television reruns that will forever flicker in the airways.

This dimension was discovered by their leader, a tv writer now known as Edrose, in 1956. When he died (metamorphosed), the government began taking control of all 5th dimensional doorways. The Edrose Society proclaimed that Edrose would be reincarnated and return to divulge the last uncontrolled doorway which is believed to be in Georgia.

Like all other religions, there are factions that claim to know the only true way to tv and that the others are, of course, wrong. If you join the wrong faction (channel), you will be deceived and you may end up in Purga-tv, a werewolf type of state where you transform from 3-D to 2-D at anytime, visually separating you from all others.

Besides the actors looking for a way in to the 5th dimension, there are others who believe that tv consciousness is fake. They want to pull the deceived from the fire. They are the deprogrammers.

Inside a Motel room in Atlanta, GA two deprogrammers are with C. Meredith Driver, an actress of a locally produced TV show, Skipp'n the Heat, (belonging to a fledgling network, WPN). They have falsely convinced her to hide out to increase the ratings of her show.

As deprogrammers they torment her in a brighty lit motel room by forcing her to watch her own show over and over. They do this while unwittingly sitting on "Right-to-work's Remote", the last uncontrolled gateway into the tv conscience (This gateway can only be accessed by creating a Tv scene by Fiat in the midst of acting it out).

The tv government (saGOV) believes that without a proper guide to bring one into the (lime)light, the fusion of TV and reality could produce a chaos of independence, creating Uni-tversalism.

This would destroy the need for  tVicars; the managers and agents that control the daily safe flow of the chosen masses (acting wannabes) into presence of the almighty (Director).

CULTiVISION takes place on day 5 and 6 of the alledged kidnapping of actress Meredith Driver.

On day 5, WPN news anchor, Monica Commons, interviews the lead actors of Skipp'n the Heat with the intent to find out more about the strange
Edrose Society.

Day 6 Monica is discovered missing while tensions are growing between Meredith and deprogrammers. It is this day that the search for Meredith comes to a clash between tv and reality.


ivision is director Felix Copola's
monument to 4 historical people.

In the story they become objects
of worship for the characters in the movie.

These 4 people are a writer, a director,
and a producer all from the golden age
of television, and a lyricist from a world
reknown rock band.

The writer; now known as Edrose,
whose identity is veiled at the
beginning, in the story discovered a
way to exist beyond death inside
of television airways. He has been
reincarnated as an actor and becomes
involved in the lives of the still living
writer and director.
The writer was
actually born December 25th which gives
Cultivision characters even more reason to
see him as their savior.

The director; achieved fame in the 60's and is
still a critically acclaimed name today.
name is not directly mentioned til the
end with clues given that will be
easy for fans of his work to
pickup on.

The producer; most people won't recognize her
name, but she is a hall of famer with
many hi-profile credits who has been
producing TV shows and movies
since the 50's.

The lyricist; the majority of people
with a musical rock background will figure
out who he is towards the end of the
movie when his most popular work is
displayed. In Cultivision He is given the
prophet moniker due to his lyrics coinciding
with the character's beliefs.

The lyricist has written the most definitive song
to date
that stems from the writer's most
acclaimed TV series.
Some of his lyrics
fit Cultivision with a hilarious coincidence and
one of his lyrics are so eerily and unintentionally
about this series that it is placed at the end
of the credits as the very last part
of Cultivision.

Historical information is interwoven
into the fictional accounts. This is the
way it would naturally happen for any
religion that deifies a person; their
life becomes the stuff that legends
are made of. Go to the
page for all the weavings.

ephi McClendon creates the Mclendon P.I.A. (Private Investigation Agency) after she is influenced to do so under the romantic charisma of Jasper Madison, a disbarred lawyer. Madison uses McClendon's money until the agency has garnered enough prestige and clients. After McClendon refuses to relocate to New York Madison writes himself a check for half of the agency's money and absconds to New York. Because McClendon is still in love with Madison she does not want to have him arrested and jailed. Instead she files for legal control of both agencies and her lawyers are tied up in court cases.

Heather Emerson, a Georgia native, worked extremely hard all her life to be able to get out of Georgia to a big city to be an investigator in a company that she herself started. With her family inheritance she moves to Manhattan and attends the N.Y. Academy of Criminal Investigation. Being anxious to get started in investigative work she looks for a temporary PI type job. She is hired by Madison to work at his own version of McClendon P.I.A. and he connives her into thinking that he will make her his partner. She drops out of NYACI and puts her inheritance into the agency.

After miscommunications and supposed lost documents sent by Madison to respond to recent legal motions by Sephi McClendon, [motions that will give both agencies to McClendon], Madison's alleged distrust of southerners prompts him to forgo the mail, fax, and electronic communication route and instead he sends Heather down to her undesired home state of Georgia one fateful afternoon to file a reprieve of action in the Atlanta City courthouse. This must be done before 5:00 that day. Since Madison's doesn't think that Heather can get from airport to courthouse on her own, he calls McClendon and with full charm and "repentance", he cons McClendon into sending someone to pick up Heather in Atlanta and to take her to the courthouse. (Getting Heather to the courthouse would actually stop the very legal action McClendon has been waiting for, (or has she?).

Skipp Kennedy, one of the McClendon P.I.'s arrives at the airport late and first goes to the wrong terminal. Heathers briefcase gets left on the plane after a faulty electrical system forces the passengers to disembark rather suddenly. She then has to wait for the plane to be secured before the luggage is taken off. Then, in a mad scurry to get to the courthouse, Skipp's car overheats, he has no cell phone, and he doesn't want to leave his car to be vandalized. Heather frantically is trying to flag down a ride, but every time someone stops to pick her up, she is disgusted by the driver/passengers and refuses to ride.

Yes, she doesn't make it to the courthouse on time but this doesn't matter. Viewers soon discover that the whole trip was a ruse set up by Madison to do the same thing he did to McClendon. This time he takes all the funds of the NY company, which is of course, Heathers money.

Now she has no money to go back. She hates Georgia. Her dreams of being an investigator seem dashed.

Skipp talks a reluctant Sephi McClendon into hiring Heather into their agency. McClendon believes that Heather's partial training at NYACI may not be quite enough to get started but McClendon is also not sure whether it's partially her fault that Heather is in this predicament. She agrees to hire her on a trial basis. Heather is just as adamant that this job is temporary. She is going to pursue criminal prosecution of Madison and get her money back and leave Georgia forever. New York is her dream that she won't let up on.


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